This Valentine Day outdoor decoration idea is incredibly easy to make, and very versatile.
It's one of my favorite Valentine's day crafts!
You can create these Valentine hearts out of paper or (thin) fabric. See below for the how-to instructions!
Also, please feel free to download blank Valentine heart templates here ...
... or download & print pre-designed Valentines Day hearts from this site.
Ingredients for making Valentine ornaments
You need (from left to right):
Cut out the heart shapes
Step 1: Stick paper heart templates down with tape and cut out. (If you would like this exact Valentine heart print, you can download it from the Valentines day hearts page.)
Fill the laminator pouch
Step 2: Load your Valentine hearts into a laminator pouch. Make sure they are at least 1/2 inch apart from each other.
Feed the pouch into the laminator
Step 3: Heat up your laminator and, when it is ready, feed the laminating pouch into it (as per the instructions that come with the machine). Make sure the pouch goes in sealed side first.
If your laminating machine does not have a feeding tray, create one yourself: Just lay the pouch on a sheet of cardboard, with the sealed side of the pouch projecting by about 2 inches. Gently push the pouch into the laminator until the roller catches, and hold your 'tray' steady until the entire pouch has been pulled into the machine.
Cut the hearts out with a 1/4 inch margin
Step 4: When you cut your Valentine hearts from the laminated sheet, give them a 1/4 inch laminate margin to make sure no water can enter and spoil the material. Also ...
... cut the top in a gentle curve so as to leave more space for threading.
You can turn this Valentine Day outdoor decoration into a garland or hang each heart individually.
Pinprick a small hole into the laminate at the top (well away from the paper or fabric), and thread the heart with nylon thread or thin wire. If you're using ribbon to hang the Valentine hearts, make the threading hole with a hole punch.
These Valentine's Day crafts are weatherproof and can be used year after year, inside and outside.
Happy Valentine's Day!
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